Dave says solar is a "no-brainer" & Is paying less now!

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Main Questions Homeowners have about solar

What Happens To My Roof?

As far as the roof it's going to keep the house cooler in the summertime.

We also insure your roof before, during and after in the installation,

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What Happens If I Move?

With solar is fully transferable, If you move it transfers over the same way that your energy provider would to the new homeowner and give them the ability to have an end-game and own their power.

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How Much Is The Cost Of Doing This?

The cost of doing this is redirecting your electric bill. This would allow you to redirect what you would've paid to the utility company and then we simply swap your bill so you're in a position to lower the energy cost for your home.

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Who's Going To Maintain/Service It?

We maintain and service your system for the next 25 years. If anything happens to the system, we're maintaining the system with premium warranties.

Your roof is also maintain and protected while your system is installed.

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When Do I Start Saving Money?

From the day your solar is turned on, you're saving on energy. The idea is that you either start saving money from Day 1 or start living more comfortably without having to pay for it...

But most importantly you'll have a fixed monthly payment that you'll know your exact new lower bill any month and eventually end where you own your power the same way you own your home.

(Homeowners aren't doing this to save $20,$50 or even $100 dollars a month. They're just doing it so they can start a saving account and take back all their money that they're paying for power and understand that it's going towards equity and ownership for the home)

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Find Out if Switching to Solar is Right for You

Is your average power bill over $99?

What's your zip code?

Because this program is not available everywhere, You must own your home to qualify...

Congratulations! Your zip code is approved! What's your name stranger?

What's your address? We'll use satellite imaging to check your roof's sun exposure

To see what type of rebates and incentives are available, Is your credit more than 645 score?

What email should we use?

Congrats, You are so close! What's the best number to share your results to?

Don't worry. We respect your privacy and we'll never send you an unwanted call or text.

To help you qualify, we need your approval to contact you. By clicking below, you agree to our estimator texting you the information you want even if your number is on the “Do Not Call” list. This is 100% optional and you can opt out at anytime.